Had Enough

  • Purchasing of Packs

  • Spending Your Money

  • Tobacco on Your Breath, Your Hair, Your Fingers, Your Clothes

  • Smoking Outside in the Rain, Wind or Snow

  • Do You Smoke When You’re Bored, After a Meal or To Deal With Stress

  • Had Enough of the Hold That This One Product Has On You?


Quit Smoking for Good

  • After You Quit Smoking It Takes 72 hours for Your Body to Rid Itself of Nicotine

  • Yes, Within 72 Hours of Being Smoke Free the Nicotine Metabolizes Right Out of Your Body

  • How Do You Make It Through Those 3 Days


  • Quitting Smoking Can Be Overwhelming Both Physically and Mentally

  • ENAWF Will Help Remove the Physical Desire To Smoke Cigarettes Immediately

  • ENAWF Is All Natural and Acts As A Substitute For Nicotine

  • With No Physical Withdraws